Discover the ideal pooh
Separate hard lumps like nuts (Hard to pass)
Like a lumpy sausage
Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface
Like a smooth and soft snake
Entirely liquid with no solid pieces
Soft blobs with clear-cut edges (passed easily)
Mushy and fluffy with ragged edge
Uncover the colorful secrets of your pooh!
An indicator of bleeding in your upper digestive tract or high iron food in your diet
Bleeding in your lower digestive tract or a sign of colon cancer or you may be suffering constipation
A sign of infection and inflammation or a blockage in the bile ducts
Diet high in fiber
Lack of bile in the stool or liver or biliary disease
In the early 20th century, Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov studied human aging at Pasteur Institute, Paris. He discovered that intestinal bacteria reduce protein content during digestion, leading to poisoning and early death.
He proved that Bulgarian yogurt restricts the growth of these bacteria, contributing to the longevity of Bulgarians.
Yogurt was discovered around 4,000 years ago by nomadic tribes who carried milk in animal skin pouches during their wanderings.
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